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You said OFFseason?!

You played your last game. You washed your shoes. Your clubs are stored in your basement and will watch you for the next five months ... Wait a minute! The offseason is the perfect opportunity to correct your swing and improve your game.

Whether you practice your swing at home or in a simulator, here is the offer I am making to you:

Why not take advantage of a 3D swinganalysis ... REMOTE!

No, you don't have to pay an insane price to know what is really going on under the hood of your swing. No endless calibration, no bobsleigh suit to put on. No swing performed in an artificial and unreliable environment.

How is this possible?

As some know, I have been collaborationg with SportsboxAI, a company that has developed an app that uses artificial intelligence to recreate an avatar as well as a ton of biomechanical data. In short, with simple a video of your swing, I have access to all of the above in a few seconds. A couple of weeks ago, I presented my experience during the official launching event of the app. I was accompanied among others by coaches I admire such as David Leadbetter, Sean Foley and Mike Adams.

This acquired expertise, I put it at your disposal.

Precise measurements, full portrait, no guessing! No matter where you are, you can have access to this exceptional technology. 👇Offer yourself this treat👇

Want to see what it looks like?

Take a look at some of the content I produced 👇

You have questions? You would like to know more? Feel free to ask me your questions!

May your offseason be a resurrection 😉!

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